
Summer 2023

Hello non-existent readers.

It is my pleasure to announce a new season of fungal growth is upon us. This year brings in guest writers, (soon to be announced) travels to be recounted, and new experiences that will inform all that is.

This is the summer of intention.

Times are tough, what pathways in life are feasible? The sexually repressed — traditional way of living in the Northeast of America (New England) still stands strong with consumerism and capitalistic tendencies. The youth are still confused and (nearly) hopeless. Will they find alternative ways of living that press against pre-conceived values & morals.

Is it any good to think of different ways to live life?

How can we press against a system that depresses, overwhelms, and ultimately makes us depend upon its methods of dissociation?

We are out of touch with nature, perhaps always have been. It’s an interesting question. Are we in a fight against nature? are we spiritually awakened from the embrace of nature? are we separate from nature?

If you are a new reader. Welcome. You can find any of our emails at the bottom of the page. Please reach out with inquiries, questions, writing prompts, or any other form of input.

Take care out there.

By Osiris skywell

Musician & writer.
improv enthusiast.